Cassels Garage

The Lifespan of Your Car Battery

Published on November 7, 2016
Car Battery Lifespan

The car battery is an essential component of your vehicle; it provides the necessary energy current to the starter motor and the ignition system to start the engine. Additionally, it supplies supplementary current when the demand is higher than the alternator can supply, acting as an electrical reservoir. Furthermore, the battery supplies power to the electronics while the engine is not running. Without a working battery, most automobiles cannot start, making the battery an integral part of a car’s machine. Surprisingly many people are unaware of the longevity of their vehicle’s battery despite the important role it plays.

The battery of your vehicle is charged by the alternator, and the alternator supplies power while the engine is running and charges the battery. Therefore, when the battery is no longer capable of being recharged or cannot hold a proper charge, it must be replaced.

The lifespan of your car battery depends on two main factors: where you live and how well you care for it. However, multiple elements can affect your battery such as humidity, temperature, and other environmental components. For instance, warm climates tend to increase damage due to sulfation (the leading culprit of early battery failure) and water loss. On average, car batteries last anywhere between two and five years for a gasoline powered or diesel fueled automobile. If you drive a hybrid or electric vehicle, you can expect your battery to last about eight years.

Proper auto maintenance and battery care can help prolong the lifetime of your battery. The best way to ensure your battery lasts a full lifespan is to keep it fully charged. In order to do so, avoid leaving lights on or accessories plugged in. Additionally, make sure the battery is checked during routine vehicle maintenance.

At Cassels Garage we offer a variety of car services, including battery checkups. If you are looking for an auto shop in the Melbourne, FL area, look no further. We have been serving Brevard County since 1966, and our experienced service technicians will know all there is to know about batteries, brakes, transmissions and more.

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