Cassels Garage

What the Road Isn’t

Published on November 19, 2018

Working at a garage, we have heard our fair share of crazy driving stories. Cassels Garage has been servicing Brevard County since 1966, so we really have seen it all when it comes to the funny things people do in their cars. So, this week we thought we just give a quick reminder of what NOT to do on the road. We want everyone to stay safe while they are traveling, so here’s a reminder of a few things the road isn’t.

A place to do your makeup

Ladies, we know it can be so easy when you’re in a rush to do your makeup or brush your hair while your driving, but it’s just not a good idea. You are probably taking your eyes off the road, as well as a hand off the wheel. Keep yourself safe and choose to get ready either before or after you arrive, not while you are on your way there.

A phone center

We understand how hard it is to put down your phone, but the road isn’t the place to be calling or texting someone. Not only is it unsafe for you but it also is unsafe for everyone else who is also driving. Just be smart and put the phone down when you are behind the wheel.

A trash can

We recommend you keep a bag for trash in your car in case of an emergency. There is way too much trash already on the side of the road due to littering. And, since Brevard is home to multiple bodies of water full of many beautiful creatures, let’s keep them safe from our garbage. Please be mindful and throw your stuff away or recycle when you make it home. We want to keep beautiful Brevard beautiful, don’t we?

A place to take out anger

Road rage: we’ve all felt it. But it is important that we all try to remember our manners when we are all on the road. It can be pretty hard to fight sometime, we know, but let us all try out best to get from point A to point B without curse words flying. What is a good alternative to yelling at a stranger who cut you off? Singing your heart out to your favorite playlist. Trust us, your blood pressure will thank you.

What the road is

It’s a pretty fantastic place to explore new things, meet new people, and see the world! It is also what leads you to us. Cassels Garage is a family owned and operated, full-service garage that is proud to service Melbourne, FL and surrounding areas.  We’re all human, so if you forget what the road isn’t and scratch up your car when you’re looking at your phone or putting on lipstick (we hope this never happens), we have got you covered. We would be happy to help you with any car servicing or auto repair you may need. Give us a call or click here to schedule an appointment.

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