Cassels Garage

How to Use Jumper Cables

Published on October 16, 2020
Woman holding jumper cables

Jumper cables are something every car owner needs.

We’ve all been there. You walk out to your car in a parking lot, ready to get out of the Florida heat. Shopping bags in hand, you unlock your vehicle and unload your stuff. Simple, right? You do this several times a week. Next up, you pull out your keys and put them in the ignition, except this time, nothing happens. Not a sound. Notta. Zip. You turn the key over, and not a sound is made. This is pretty standard for a dead battery. Here’s how to use jumper cables.

Your battery is dead; what are you supposed to do now?

Listen, Cassels Garage serves all of Brevard County with top-notch auto repair and maintenance professionals who can get the job done no matter the issue. We have been serving Melbourne, Florida for over 50 years now, and we know a thing or two about dead batteries. Don’t get sidelined with a stalled vehicle again! Here’s how.

There are a few items EVERY car or truck owner needs to have with them at all times. Jumper cables are a must for any driver because you never know when a flat battery will strike. Sure, you may have an idea of the lifespan of your particular battery. Still, every once in a while, your car’s battery will have a life of its own. Jumper cables make it easy to get you on the road quickly, and they are relatively easy to use if you know the proper steps. However, if you own an electric or flex-fuel vehicle, this post is NOT for you. Jumper cables may cause damage, so keep this in mind.

How to Use Jumper Cables

Step 1

Find a friendly face who will give you a jump. Everyone has been in your position before, and most people are more than willing to lend their vehicles to help you out. Once you have a good Samaritan on hand, start by making sure your car and the other care are in neutral with the ignition off. This is key!

Step 2

Next up, take the cables and give them a quick once over. The red cables connect to the positive terminals of a battery. The black cables connect to the negative terminals of a battery. Place one red cable on your vehicle’s battery’s positive terminal and the other red cable to the other vehicle’s positive terminal. Next up, place a cable on the negative end of your battery’s negative terminal and repeat for the other car.

Step 3

Once you’re confident the cables are attached in the correct locations, have the other vehicle owner start their engine and let the car run for a few minutes. Now it’s your turn. Crank up your car and let it run. Remove the cables in the REVERSE order, and be sure to keep your freshly jumped car or truck running for at least 15 to 30 minutes. If yours does not start after a few minutes of power from the other vehicle, you have a bigger problem on your hands.

Cassels Garage is here to help!

We know what a privilege car ownership is, and we want to see you safe and on the road for years to come. It’s our mission to educate vehicle owners to help out whenever we can. If you have questions, we have answers. Contact us today!






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